What does CompareIncomeProtection.com do? 

We work with one of the largest Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) authorised intermediaries with decades of experience analysing and comparing policies from major income protection insurance providers - with the sole purpose of finding the most suitable policy for you. 

This service is entirely free to use, and you’re under no obligation to accept any quotes you receive. 

What are the different types of income protection? 

There are two main types of income protection – accident, sickness and unemployment policies (ASU) and permanent health insurance policies (PHI).  

  • Accident, sickness and unemployment insurance offers short-term income protection. ASU policies pay benefits monthly to help pay your mortgage, rent or bills. Monthly payments are usually capped at 12 months. 
  • Permanent health insurance (PHI) provides policyholders with long-term financial protection, with payments continuing until a specified age of retirement. 

When contemplating income protection, seeking professional advice is crucial. Understanding the available options ensures informed decision-making and a policy tailored to your unique needs. 

What are the different types of accident, sickness and unemployment protection?

Accident, sickness, and unemployment insurance encompasses various policy types, typically providing monthly payouts for up to one year during periods of unemployment.  

While a general term that encompasses both short and long-term policies, 'income protection' is also used as a label for a specific kind of accident, sickness and unemployment coverage directly tied to your monthly earnings. 

Alternatively, some policies are linked to specific financial obligations such as mortgages, rental payments, or loans. While this entails more comprehensive paperwork compared to a straightforward income protection policy, quotes and policies may be more competitive — insurers may perceive individuals covering specific bills as lower risk than those solely safeguarding their overall income.

Will I need to take a medical assessment to qualify for income protection insurance? 

Typically, short-term income protection does not require medical underwriting, however, pre-existing conditions, such chronic stress or back injuries, can limit eligibility. 

For long-term income protection policies, applicants will be asked to complete a medical questionnaire, and will sometimes require a GP’s report. A medical examination is rarely necessary but not unheard of.  

What employment levels does income protection cover? 

Income protection policies can be customised to suit a broad range of employment levels and salaries, which is why we’re confident our trusted broker can find a suitable policy for you.

Will the nature of my job impact my eligibility for income protection insurance? 

The nature of your occupation is a major factor in the decision-making process of insurers and will almost certainly influence which insurer and which income protection policy is best suited to you. 

The good news is that our leading intermediary does all of the searching for you, comparing policies to not only find the most affordable cover, but the highest quality cover based on your budget and requirements. 

Can I get income protection insurance if I’m self-employed? 

Yes – those who are self-employed can apply for income protection insurance. With the right income protection policy, self-employed individuals will continue to receive regular monthly income if they are unable to work due to injury or sickness. However, unemployment cover is typically aimed at involuntary redundancy and therefore, unemployment cover is not usually suitable for the self-employed.